Friday 16 August 2013

Mesir: Tindak balas Kebimbangan keganasan . . .

kz1Kizi @Tq2u2 (EuroNews) Mesir: Tindak balas Kebimbangan keganasan. Bahan-bahan semua di sana selamanya lebih pertumpahan darah di Mesir. Di tengah-tengah kemarahan memuncak sejak beratus-ratus kematian berdarah daripada memecah  kem bantahan pro-Mursi, Ikhwan Muslimin memanggil demonstrasi jalanan yang besar selepas solat Jumaat.

Khamis menyaksikan perhimpunan di mana nyanyian yang berbunyi: “Kami akan kembali lagi demi syahid kita” Pada masa yang sama Kementerian Dalam Negeri berkata pasukan keselamatan sekali lagi akan menggunakan peluru hidup untuk menolak mana-mana serangan ke atas mereka atau bangunan awam.

Ketegangan menggelegak merebus yang banak pada hari Khamis di Giza di selatan Kaherah, berhampiran piramid, di mana beratus-ratus penyokong Mursi menyerbu ibu pejabat kerajaan wilayah dan menetapkan ia menyala.

Seorang saksi memberitahu EuroNews penyerang telah tentukan dan bersenjata yang bagus. “Saya berdiri di pintu masuk ke bangunan gabenor. Mereka semua berkumpul di sana dan lebih banyak daripada mereka datang, cuba untuk memecahkan pintu bangunan. Terdapat beberapa yang mempunyai bom petrol dan senjata automatik dan pistol.”

Televisyen negeri berkata, berhampiran tempat kejadian api dua pegawai polis terbunuh dalam serangan bersenjata di pusat pemeriksaan polis.

Egypt: Fears of backlash violence. The ingredients are all there for more bloodshed in Egypt. Amid mounting anger over the hundreds of deaths from the bloody break-up of pro-Mursi protest camps, the Muslim Brotherhood is calling for big street demonstrations after Friday prayers.

Thursday saw gatherings where the chant rang out: "We will come back again for the sake of our martyrs!" At the same time the Interior Ministry said security forces will again use live ammunition to repel any attacks on them or public buildings.

Simmering tensions boiled over on Thursday in Giza to the south of Cairo, near the pyramids, where hundreds of Mursi supporters stormed the provincial government headquarters and set it alight.

An eyewitness told euronews the attackers were determined and well armed. "I was standing at the entrance to the governor's building. They all gathered there and more and more of them came, trying to break down the gates of the building. There were some who had petrol bombs and automatic weapons and pistols."

State television said near the scene of the fire two police officers were killed in an armed attack on a police checkpoint.

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